Commands of Christ Seminar
“I have been reading all the materials you gave me while I was there in
Gale Trow
“I was impacted, helped, convicted and enlightened by the Commands of Christ seminar. The only negative thing I can say is I wish we had even more time. Otherwise I greatly enjoyed it.
I feel that every session specifically pinpointed areas in my life where God was wishing I could grow and mature. I feel like it really helped give me direction in the ministry that I’m already involved in and really equipped me to better serve others.
The topics that had greatest impact on my life were making realistic commitments, setting priorities and overcoming anxiety. I felt God working strongly in me to follow Jesus’ teaching to let my ‘yes be yes and your no be no’. I realized there are many good and wonderful things to do in God’s kingdom but sometimes we have to make those tough decisions to do what is best, and say “no” to other good opportunities.”
Patrick Marsh
“The Commands of Christ Seminar was great! It was encouraging, challenging in my life, very helpful and very motivating. God has changed my life through this seminar. Not only has He brought me closer to himself, but has given me a hunger and thirst for Him every day – greater than I’ve ever had before in my life. I’m more Christ-like today than when I attended this seminar in September. My desire to be more like Christ and to serve him has grown immensely.
The character building topic that has impacted my life the most is the command on becoming a contagious Christian. I’m now intentionally trying to tell others about Christ every day. Before attending I would witness to people only when Christ’s name would come up. But now it’s an every day thing where I seek out people.”
Michael Campbell
“The Commands of Christ Seminar was Excellent! Better than anticipated! The teaching was top-notch and the homework assignments were relevant and beneficial.
God has used this seminar to help me refocus on character in my ministry of small groups and not just the skills needed. It has also given me a friend and accountability partner to help me process what I’m learning.
The topic that had the greatest impact on my life was “How to Deal with a Judgmental Spirit” It helped me to better understand the difference between discernment and being judgmental. This has always been a tough area for me and I feel this has made a difference in my life and will be beneficial for the long haul in ministry.”
Rick Marsh
Small Group Leader
Walking in His Steps - Strategy Seminar
“Let me say once again how meaningful and beneficial the Strategy Seminar & Foundations Materials where for our staff this summer – I felt very led of God to come to you and use this study and God blessed and caused much growth in many lives – to His glory – thanks again! I had staff tell me that the Bible study was the highlight of their growth this summer – and the best they have had in many years at camp – I had weekly evaluations from staff and when rating the Staff Bible Study on a 1-5 scale they always gave it 5 's some put 10's on the evaluations.”
Evelyn White - Camp Director
Foundations for Ministry Seminar
“Foundations is meaty… a solid course of doctrine – dish after dish! I can’t wait for Foundations next semester. Rick has illuminated many passages and applications and gets me excited about digging into Scripture and learning how it applies to my Christian walk. I recommend this course to everyone in my groups! I leave every session so challenged and fired up! The topic that had the greatest impact on me was definitely, “How to Release Those Who Have Offended You.” This lesson came at a time when I most needed to hear it and has been instrumental in helping me obey the command to forgive”.
Michele Reber
Small Group Coach
“The Foundations Series is profoundly important and purely original. It is pretty rare that you run across a truly fresh approach to core Biblical matters and I think this course is refreshing. As a consequence of this new look at some core topics; I personally have been deeply challenged. Not all of this is good news but in light of what’s been taught in Foundations, I have seriously re-evaluated how I deal with the people around me. And I mean the people who are closest to me as well as people who are intermittently for minutes near me. It has personally challenged me for months to question why I am here at 57 in my relationships with the people around me. Each topic has to do with the fundamentals – loving the Lord your God with all your heart soul mind and strength, loving your neighbor as yourself and the new commandment Jesus gave us – love one another”.
Richard Kirkley
Sonfields Teacher
“The Foundations Course has been a way to get very concrete concepts and character building behavior from God’s Word that translates to better relationships with God and people. One of the things that really helped me was to understand how to apply the Scriptures to us today. The background information this course provided, the details, historical context, what words meant back then when it was actually written enables the student to understand so much more about what the Scriptures are actually saying. The topic that had the greatest impact on my life today was “How to use your singleness to advance the Kingdom.”
Rick Grills
Small Group Leader & Coach
Leadership Training Track 1 "Share the Vision"
Small Group Orientation 雄̼>
“This material is really good! I've read it once, and it's hard not to jump up and down every time I read this stuff. If I smile any harder, my face won't be able to resume a regular position! Thanks so much!”
Baltimore, MD